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Kerio Control is a unified threat management (UTM) solution that combines several network security features into a single platform, including firewall protection, VPN (Virtual Private Network), web filtering, intrusion detection and prevention, and bandwidth management. It’s designed to help small to medium-sized businesses secure their network infrastructure, monitor traffic, and ensure secure communication.
Some key features of Kerio Control include:
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- Firewall Protection: It protects against external and internal threats, offering advanced filtering and access control.
- VPN: Provides secure remote access to company resources for employees working outside the office.
- Intrusion Detection and Prevention: Detects and prevents potential threats and malicious activities on the network.
- Web Filtering: Blocks access to unsafe websites and controls user access to specific content.
- Bandwidth Management: Monitors and prioritizes network traffic to ensure critical applications perform smoothly.
- User Authentication: Ensures that only authorized users can access the network, often integrating with Active Directory or other directory services.
Kerio Control is generally used by organizations that need an affordable yet comprehensive security solution for their network. It can be deployed either on-premises (on hardware) or as a virtual appliance.
Added support for more Wi-Fi adapters (rtl88x2bu).
Improved network performance when the GRO option is enabled in certain scenarios.
Enhanced GFI App Manager integration. The Control GUI now displays more information about App Manager connections and allows user control over the Agent service.
Application awareness updates now correctly categorize AI & ML traffic.
Added support for creating IP address groups based on Geo IPs, enabling customized traffic management based on country.
Added support for custom DNS servers for IKEv2 VPNs.
Added support (via GFI App Manager) to import CSV files with IP addresses
Restoring configuration from a backup would break App Manager connectivity forcing re-registration.
Disconnected devices on IKEv2 VPNs were counted as being active incorrectly.
Remote hosts over VPN were incorrectly counted against the local license limit incorrectly.
The Linux VPN client failed to start connections correctly due to a MAC address conflict.
Traffic rules on interfaces with complex names (e.g., including quotation marks) failed to apply.
Clients on a guest network were not authenticated properly.
The reverse proxy incorrectly attempted TLSv1 connections even when configured not to.
Traffic routes were not correctly switched when using multiple internet links, causing extended packet loss after switching to a backup.
Forbidden words failed to trigger a block correctly when using the “Safe Web” feature in some rare cases.
Generated daily reports had an incorrect date when the configured time zone had a negative offset.
Switching from a backup link to primary in failover mode could cause the appliance to hang indefinitely.
Kerio Control Software Appliance Installer (ISO)
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Link: kerio-control-installer-9.4.5-8526-dgby.iso
Size: 655 MB
Kerio Control Appliance – upgrade image
Link: kerio-control-upgrade-9.4.5-8526-linux-dgby.img
Size: 388 MB
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