Linux Basics for Hackers


If you’re planning to embark on the exciting path of hacking, cybersecurity, and penetration testing, the Linux Basics for Hackers book could be the perfect first step for you. With Kali Linux (Advanced Linux Penetration Test Distribution) you will learn the basics of using the Linux operating system and learn the tools and techniques you need to gain control of a Linux environment.

At the beginning of the book, you will learn to install Kali on a virtual machine and learn about the beginner aspects of Linux. You’ll then engage with extensive Linux topics such as text manipulation, controlling directory files and permissions, and managing the user environment. In the following chapters, you will learn about basic hacking concepts such as security and anonymity, and you will learn the skill of scripting with bash and Python.


Chapter 1: Getting Started with the Basics
Chapter 2: Text Manipulation
Chapter 3: Analyzing and Managing Networks
Chapter 4: Adding and Removing Software
Chapter 5: Controlling File and Directory Permissions
Chapter 6: Process Management
Chapter 7: Managing User Environment Variables
Chapter 8: Bash Scripting
Chapter 9: Compressing and Archiving
Chapter 10: Filesystem and Storage Device Management
Chapter 11: The Logging System
Chapter 12: Using and Abusing Services
Chapter 13: Security and Anonymity
Chapter 14: Wireless Networking
Chapter 15: Linux Kernel and Drivers
Chapter 16: Startup Scripts
Chapter 17: Python Scripting Basics

Specification:Linux Basics for Hackers

Author: OcuppyTheWeb

Publisher: No Starch Press

Year of release: 2019

Number of Pages: 254

File size: 4.52MB

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