The LISP Network


The LISP Network: Evolution to the Next-Generation of Data Networks (Networking Technology)

 In the age of virtual clouds, virtualization, mobility, mobility, and the Internet of Things information and resources must be available anytime, anywhere. Connecting to devices should be seamless and without interruption, even when people are on the move. Their location must be independent of the device’s identity. The Locator/ID Separation Protocol (LISP) provides all of these features.

The LISP Network book is the first complete and comprehensive guide to LISP concepts, architecture, techniques, behavior, and applications that will help you implement the opportunities and benefits of using LISP in your data center, outdoor space, branch access, WAN edge, or Core network service provider.

The LISP Network: Evolution to the Next-Generation of Data Networks (Networking Technology)

Chapter 1. LISP and the Future of Networking

Chapter 2. LISP Architecture

Chapter 3. Data Center Trends

Chapter 4. The Wide-Area Network: Bringing Traffic from Access to the Data Center

Chapter 5. Mega-Scale Access Networks: LISP, User Access, and the Internet of Things

Chapter 6. Security

Chapter 7. LISP and the Next-Generation Mobile Network


Author(s): Dino Farinacci, Victor Moreno

Publisher: Cisco Press

Year of release: 2019

Number of Pages: 192

File size: 18.4MB

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